Норвежский художник изображает культовых героев при помощи пороха, а потом поджигает картины. Процесс создания завораживает не меньше, чем процесс горения

13.03.2018 10:25

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Всем известно, что Гоголь сжёг второй том «Мёртвых душ» к разочарованию всего культурного сообщества и радости школьников. Этот художник тоже создаёт свои работы, чтобы потом их сжечь, но они от этого становятся только круче.

Норвежец Дино Томик 12 лет работает татуировщиком и всегда ищет новые способы самовыражения. Вот, например, картины из пороха. Об этом он рассказал изданию Caters News.

Норвежский художник создаёт потрясающие горящие картины

Для своих картин мастер использует порох. Это вообще законно?

Завораживает не только процесс горения, но и создания работ

Vitruvian man made with Gun Powder Its been a very hectic month and a lot of work =D mark you calendar at the 27 of October and come and check my profile then i hope to really impress everyone and push my art to a whole new level Vitruvian man one is one of many projects i have been working on =D Few months ago i did a similar theme of Da Vinchi where i used his Adam/ God hand image and connected them with two separate plates — now im doing it bigger and connecting 4 pieces complete this Vitruvian man made with Gun Powder .This is a full 4 piece gun powder segment that i would like to sell if anyone is interested ( world wide shipping — for 1200 USD ) I never make copy's of any of my work and i only ship out these originals =) Thank you all for the incredible huge interest in my work =D

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В качестве полотна — бумага, прикреплённая к дереву. Зёрнышки пороха Дино хранит в бутылке из-под кетчупа и раскладывает на бумаге при помощи маленьких ножничек.

Создание картин требует точности, аккуратности и сноровки

Batman made with black powder Back to experimentation — i tried a new type of gun powder for this one. It burned super slow ( thats why i had to speed up the video ) and it also left some black residue that got uplifted in the air while it was burning. It gave nice effect to this image / the dark effect for the batman — but it was all over the room ( the room was completely empty and the only thing in it was this canvas — so a quick round of vacuum cleaning did the job ) . The one good thing about it is that this one is super black after the burning compared to the other type of gun powder =) The powder was a lot rounder so it was way harder to hold it in one place — so i think this piece took me the longest time to make of them all =) I have just added this one to my etsy shop if someone want so buy it, the link is on top of my instagram page

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Это довольно сложный процесс,который требует аккуратности и точности. Порох очень чувствителен, поэтому нужно двигаться осторожно, ведь малейший ветерок может испортить линии. Также надо убедиться, что порошок выложен на нужном расстоянии, иначе зрелища не выйдет.

Если технология будет нарушена, вся работа пойдёт насмарку. Но у Дино всё выходит идеально

Так рождаются произведения, героями которых частенько становятся культовые персонажи фильмов, книг и комиксов

А потом он подносит к ним зажигалку, и… Это действительно завораживает!

Moon Glowing sand + Gun Powder art ( special ending watch with sound ) My first attempt on combining Glowing sand + Gun Powder + markers into one image .=) By this point what im doing is very much performance art — the finished image is just a product of the video process witch really is the main art part =) It feels good to not be locked into repetitive art where i over and over again do the same things and it feels refreshing expanding into new fields . The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This particular video/ image is made to celebrate the achievement of the human race . People take the moon landing like its a normal thing now — but honestly its just mind blowing to think about it! =D Hoping to be around when even greater things happen that will redefined who we are as a race. =)

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Вот уж правда, что на огонь можно любоваться вечно

Phoenix gun powder + color changing heat paint My first attempt to combine these two elements together =D the gun powder is placed on top the paint that changes from black to pink when it gets warm — and back to black when it gets cold =D A lot more fun experimentations in the future =D cant wait to test out few of my other ideas in the near future =D I just wanted to show you that even people who do art for living can fail — i would normally never post something im not happy with , but im sharing it just to show that everyone can have a bad day or even a day where you focuse on experimenting =) but that does not mean you should give up — it just means you should try again and remember what mistakes you made so that you dont repeat them =)

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В негативе тоже смотрится потрясающе

Inverted Gun Powder Art The gun powder work you see here is how it looks like before the inverted color.During the video you will sees me applying the inverted color effect. (Turning it on and of during the video ) Had to try this since i did inverted art with all of my other mediums as well =D This was the firs time that the gun powder did not burn all the way since i had so many thin lines of powder — had to reignite them in a few places. I love how all of this gun powder work looks almost like its pixelated. Had a great time on this one =D And if you did not recognize these charters they are Thor and Loki from Marvel =D The next one i will do will hopefully be the most detailed one til now i have a really good idea on what i want to do =D

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Дино публикует свои творения в соцсетях, где они очень популярны

Спрос на эти работы огромен, поэтому Дино их продаёт

Этим действительно приятно заниматься. Мне нравится смотреть, как огонь распространяется по картине, и всегда интересно увидеть, что получится в итоге.


